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About AU - Synnex

Synnex Australia P/L, a global ICT Supply Chain services company and the largest distribution company in Australia, is a significant division of Synnex Technology International Corporation, the largest IT distribution company in the Asia Pacific region and ranked the third largest worldwide. Today, the worldwide strength of the Synnex group of companies is reflected by our international market share positions. Synnex Australia is highly respected within the ICT distribution market in Australia. Internationally, Synnex is also, the largest in Taiwan, among the top two distribution companies in China, number one in Thailand. Moreover, it is a major player in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan and New Zealand.

Synnex endeavours to service all businesses in the ICT industry including SME Resellers, System Integrators, Computer Retailers, Original Equipment Manufacturers, Corporate Retailers, National Retailers and VARs. Importantly, Synnex has established strategic partnerships with a broad range of leading IT manufacturers. Synnex differentiates itself from its competitors by its expertise in Supply Chain Management (SCM). The strategic implementation of Just in Time Delivery (JIT) offers scheduled deliveries and an efficient RMA service provides rapid warranty replacement. Superior SCM also ensures inventory is available and items are current.

About Stock in the Channel

Founded in 2009 to help resellers source hardware from authorised distributors, Stock in the Channel quickly grew to become an indispensable tool for the UK channel. Stock in the Channel has since expanded its services to be active in 22 countries, with over 25,000 registered customers across Europe, North America, and Australia. Thousands of resellers, VARs and MSPs use the stock search daily. The founders history of working with e-commerce a webstore offer soon launched, matching stock with product descriptions and adding margins to the resellers buy price. This was offered as both a datafeed and a turnkey Magento option. The company continues to grow and is financially strong

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