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About NZ - Bluechip Infotech

Adding Value to IT Resellers & their Customers

100%Kiwi owned and 100% committed to ensuring you get the solution you need.

Soft Solutions is a New Zealand-based distributor of computer products, particularly in the areas of security, network management, VoIP, help desk/ticketing systems, and storage.

We represent more than 30 vendors in New Zealand and add value for resellers through our focus on distributing products that offer a real business benefit, whether that is enhanced productivity as with the 3CX Phone System for Windows or major cost savings for the end user for which the best example is the helpdesk and network infrastructure tools from ManageEngine - 90 percent of the features of the high-end network management tools for just ten percent of the price. We also deliver improvement for a reseller's own business through the SolarWinds MSP remote monitoring and management tool and the IT Edition of StorageCraft's ShadowProtect.

Our success is a direct result of the success of our resellers, which is why we proudly call ourselves a procurement partner.

About Stock in the Channel

Founded in 2009 to help resellers source hardware from authorised distributors, Stock in the Channel quickly grew to become an indispensable tool for the UK channel. Stock in the Channel has since expanded its services to be active in 22 countries, with over 25,000 registered customers across Europe, North America, and Australia. Thousands of resellers, VARs and MSPs use the stock search daily. The founders history of working with e-commerce a webstore offer soon launched, matching stock with product descriptions and adding margins to the resellers buy price. This was offered as both a datafeed and a turnkey Magento option. The company continues to grow and is financially strong

Stock in the Channel is trusted by over 25,000 IT Resellers

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